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Table 1 Example of the analysis process

From: Hospital physicians’ experiences and reflections on their work and role in relation to older patients’ pathways - a qualitative study in two Norwegian hospitals

Meaning unit

Code group



Illustrative quotes

«We want to assume what is the appropriate further path before discharge … But, it is affected by the capacity (in hospital) … It may be a day sooner if we have four patients in the corridor … If you think it is safe, then that’s the way it is» (P 3)

A calculated risk

Proper pathways for older patients

Suggestions for future organization of healthcare services to older patients

“It has to bee an improvement … At least an assumption of what is wrong. And if we don’t know, at least that the patients’ condition is improving” (P 1)

“It has to be medically sound to discharge them. And that depends on where we discharge them to. If they cannot stay at home, but need to stay in a nursing home or an institution … It depends on whether we can state that we cannot offer better services in an acute wards, and therefore discharge them to a nursing home” (P 16)