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Table 3 Theme 2: Negative impacts of unprofessional behaviours. 2a: Impact on staff well-being and safety

From: Unprofessional behaviours experienced by hospital staff: qualitative analysis of narrative comments in a longitudinal survey across seven hospitals in Australia


Descriptions of types of negative impacts experienced individually by staff as a result of unprofessional behaviours

Impact on employee wellbeing and psychological safety

Emotional capacity negatively impacted resulting in dissatisfaction, anxiety, stress, depression or suicidal ideation

Negative impacts on cognitive capacity of employees causing burnout, low morale, and disillusionment

Impact on employee experience related to relational and social workplace aspects

Experiencing a sense of isolation, lack of social cohesion and support at work

Experiencing a lack of trust and confidence in colleagues and/ or leadership

Experiencing diminished capacity to extend support and demonstrate respectful behaviour towards colleagues