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Table 2 Theme 1: Types of individual unprofessional behaviours reported in the open-ended questions: “i) Are there any specific instances of unprofessional staff behaviour that you would like to describe? ii) Are there any other comments you would like to make about staff behaviour in this hospital?”

From: Unprofessional behaviours experienced by hospital staff: qualitative analysis of narrative comments in a longitudinal survey across seven hospitals in Australia

Type of unprofessional behaviours with examples provided by respondents in narrative comments


Non-Verbal Aggression

throwing things, hitting, slapping, breaking things, slamming doors, pushing, intimidating, stalking

Verbal Aggression

yelling, shouting, screaming, swearing, raging, threatening


Non-Verbal Incivility

sighing, ignoring, exclusion, ostracism, segregation, walking away, turning away, stonewalling, refusal to make eye contact, refusal to engage, withholding, being unresponsive, being hostile, being uncooperative, absence of socio-cultural niceties, lack of boundaries, refusal to acknowledge and practice appropriate boundaries, unwelcome pranks, invading personal space, unwelcome repetitive or casual physical contact, inappropriate gesturing, being unapproachable, unwilling to perform role adequately

Verbal Incivility

interrupting, talking over, being dismissive, lying, misleading, vilification, rudeness, being overly critical, patronising, condescending, passive aggression, undermining, sarcasm, pedantic, belittling, humiliating, mocking, accusatory, finger-pointing, blaming, berating, telling off, scolding, being unreasonably demanding, gossiping, rumour-mongering, excessive complaining, bitching, inadequate socio-cultural niceties, back-stabbing, snapping, miscommunication, unclear communication, inconsistent communication, inappropriate humour

Unethical, discriminatory, or unjust behaviours

negative or exclusionary interpretation and enactment of organisational values that are at odds with patient or staff identity and dignity, abuse, misuse, inappropriate use of organisational resources, time, systems and process, sharing work-irrelevant social media posts, using personal apps such as dating apps during work hours, racism, homophobia, discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation, misogyny, sexism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, puritanical behaviour, over-protective unethical (shielding) tribalism, reactive tribalism (ethnic/ cultural cliques), bigotry, ageism