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Table 1 Selection of the study sample

From: Difference in drug cost between private and public drug plans in Quebec, Canada


Private drug plan


Filled prescriptions recorded in reMed between 1 January 2015 and 23 May 2019

3 188 963 prescriptions

38 064 patients

1 816 751 prescriptions

10 029 patients

Excluding filled prescriptions with drug cost or quantity equal to zero and invalid DIN or drug insurance number

2 629 317 prescriptions

33 441 patients

1 694 527 prescriptions

9 495 patients

Excluding prescriptions filled by patient 65 years old or more at the date of the last filled prescription

2 335 846 prescriptions

32 270 patients

558 273 prescriptions

6 244 patients

Excluding filled prescriptions inconsistency between cost and quantity dispensed

2 335 643 prescriptions

32 093 patients

557 675 prescriptions

6 187 patients

Strata of prescriptions based on DIN, quantity dispensed, number of days supplied, pharmacy identifier and RAMQ’s List of Medications

2 335 643 prescriptions

1 636 401 strata

32 093 patients

557 675 prescriptions

330 827 strata

6 187 patients

Matching strata of prescriptions filled by privately insured patients to strata of prescriptions filled by patients insured by the PDP (12 570 different patients in total)

100 809 prescriptions

38 896 strata

10 287patients

61 210 prescriptions

38 896 strata

3 599 patients