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Table 1 Pharmacists’ behavior when selling antibiotics without a prescription

From: Over-the-counter sale of antibiotics during COVID-19 outbreak by community pharmacies in Saudi Arabia: a simulated client study

Pharmacists’ responses

Number of pharmacists (out of 120)

n (%)

Refused to sell without a prescription

81 (67.5)

Refused to sell without a prescription but suggested a nearby clinic that can issue antibiotic prescriptions

19 (15.8)

Refused to sell without a prescription but referred the client to another pharmacy that sells antibiotics over the counter

1 (0.8)

Agreed to sell azithromycin instantly

12 (10)

Agreed to sell azithromycin because the client said he is a pharmacy student

1 (0.8)

Agreed to sell azithromycin after client promised to bring the prescription later

1 (0.8)

Agreed to sell amoxicillin instantly instead

5 (4.2)


120 (100)