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Table 2 Three examples from the abstraction process, from raw data to main analytical category

From: Improvised use of a digital tool for social interaction in a Norwegian care facility during the COVID-19 pandemic: an exploratory study


Initial code


Generic category

Main category

“It has become a part of everyday affairs, or in a way a part of when the patient arrives, if he is capable of having a KOMP, he gets the offer, so it has become part of the care process”(PN14).

Part of care process

Added task

KOMP as an additional actor in daily work

New routines

“We have to rethink and be conscious about these sudden events that can be a problem” (PN02).

Technical issues

Interaction between staff

Responsibility towards technology

New routines

“When they get up in the morning, the first thing they do is to turn on the KOMP and look for new messages from their daughter or their sons, new images when they are at the cinema, or trips or in the mountains. There are a lot of residents who really enjoy this” (PN18).

Daily habit every morning

Mastering the tool

Easy and enjoyable tool

Value as practical and meaningful tool for social communication

  1. Abbreviations: PN participant number