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Table 7 The standardized total effects of working conditions on turnover intention (N = 382)

From: How do working conditions affect the turnover intention of medical social workers in China?


Job Burnout

Job Satisfaction

Turnover Intention

Job-Related Stress

.404*** (.065)

−.251*** (.064)

.307*** (.084)

Social Support

−.066 (.070)

.060 (.051)

−.078 (.063)

Work Autonomy

−.132* (.066)

.319*** (.054)

.066 (.064)

Job Burnout


−.326*** (.052)

.131+ (.061)

Job Satisfaction


−.261*** (.087)

  1. Notes: Exogenous variables are listed in row; Endogenous variables are listed in column; Standard errors are marked in parentheses; + p < 0.1; * p < 0.05; *** p < 0.001