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Table 1 Components of implementation, indicators, data collection and analysis

From: Implementation of a program to support direct support professionals to promote a healthy lifestyle for people with moderate to profound intellectual disabilities



Data collection


Preparation phase

 Recruitment and evaluation

-Recruitment process

-Participant number

-Time to recruit

-Refusal rates

-Feasibility/suitability inclusion criteria

-Obstacles recruitment

-Relevance of program to population

-Project notes

-Document analysis [32]


Number of DSPs from team

Project notes during delivery

-Calculation of DSPs from team


-Environment changes (physical, social, political)

-Other interventions

-Questionnaire DSPs

-Questionnaire managers

-Interviews DSPs

-Check on changes in environment beside the program

-Check on other interventions (yes/no)

Implementation phase

 Dose delivered

Completion program

Project notes during delivery

-Calculation of completion of each part of the program

 Dose received

-Execution of assignments

-Activity during sessions

-Questionnaire DSPs

-Reflection of trainers on sessions

-Reflection of researcher (AO) on one session

-Quality of assignments

-Descriptive statistics

-Quality assignments checked with the following question: ‘Do the assignments show that the DSP understood the assignment?’ [23], and scored according to the following categories:

++ Almost everything on the assignment is correct,

+ there are more points on the assignment that are correct than points that are not correct, − there are fewer points on the assignment that are correct than points that do not match,

-- almost everything on the assignment is not correct.


Execution of sessions by trainers

-Reflection of trainers on sessions

-Reflection of researcher (AO) on one session

-Descriptive statistics

 Acceptability/suitability program

-Fit of program in daily practice (trainers, DSPs, managers)

-Acceptability of program for DSPs and managers

-Time/capacity to complete program (DSPs, managers)

-Reflection of trainers on sessions

-Questionnaire DSPs

-Questionnaire managers

-Interviews DSPs

-Document analysis

-Descriptive statistics

-Conventional content analysis [33]

 Factors during implementation

-Facilitators/barriers during implementation (expertise, capacity, budget, equipment available)

-Project notes during implementation

-Document analysis

 Evaluation of data collection process

-Feasibility/suitability data collection procedures (missing data, understanding questions, time-consuming)

-Sensitivity of outcome measures to changes after the program

-Project notes during data collection

-Evaluation of outcomes in relation to methods

-Document analysis


 Changes after the program

-Goal achievement after program

-Actual application in practice (DSPs, assignments, managers)

-Attitude DSPs (T0, T1 and T2)

-Food intake people with ID (T0, T2)

-Physical activity of people with ID (T0, T2)

-Questionnaire DSPs

-Questionnaire managers

-Interviews DSPs


-Food diaries


Inventory of daily activity program

-Descriptive statistics

-Conventional content analysis [33]

-Application check assignments

-Attitude changes: linear mixed models [34] in statistical programming language R [35].

-Food diaries: descriptive statistics, Wilcoxon signed Rank test

-Actigraph: descriptive statistics, Wilcoxon signed Rank test

-Actiwatch: descriptive statistics, calculating %inactive/active time

-Inventory of daily activity program: descriptive statistics, Wilcoxon signed Rank test