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Table 1 Study design outline following the four-phase REP framework [19], including key implementation activities and data collection

From: Introducing a MAP for adherence care in the paediatric cystic fibrosis clinic: a multiple methods implementation study





Maintenance and Evolution


3 months

(October to December)

3.5 months

(January to mid-April)

3 months

(mid-April to July)

1 month



Conduct local needs assessment via consumer interviews and clinician focus groups

Assess for readiness and identify barriers and facilitators

Facilitation: Collaborate with local clinicians to integrate tools into clinic structures and processes.

Revise professional roles

Develop a formal implementation blueprint

Conduct educational meetings and distribute educational materials

Trial the MAP intervention

Conduct ongoing training

Facilitation: Collaborate with team members to understand implementation barriers and changes indicated.

Monthly Audit and Feedback to clinical team

Evaluation via: clinician surveys

Parent surveys

Create resources to support sustainability, scale up and spread.