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Table 4 Association between facility-level factors and programme adherence level

From: Adherence of HIV clinics to guidelines for the delivery of TB screening among people living with HIV/AIDS in Ghana

Facility factors

Low adherence level

N (%), Median (IQR)

High adherence level

N (%), Median (IQR)


Geographical location

 Ecological zone

*p = 0.876


2 (28.6)

5 (71.4)


5 (45.5)

6 (54.5)


3 (33.3)

6 (66.7)

Physical facilities and resources

 TB screening questionnaire available

^p = 0.003


6 (85.7)

1 (14.3)


4 (20.0)

16 (80.0)

 TB/HIV clinical manual available

^p = 0.370


9 (39.1)

14 (60.9)


1 (25.0)

3 (75.0)

 TB screening guideline available

^p = 0.009


5 (83.3)

1 (16.7)


5 (23.8)

16 (76.2)

 TB IE&C materials available

^p = 0.503


9 (37.5)

15 (62.5)


1 (33.3)

2 (66.7)

 TB prevention and infection control guideline available

^p = 0.370


9 (39.1)

14 (60.9)


1 (25.0)

3 (75.0)

 Health facility utilization and staffing workload

  Median number of HIV healthcare providers per HIV clinic.

9.5 (8–10)

9 (8–10)

αp = 0.726

  Median number of PLHIV attending the HIV clinic per month.

900 (609–2622)

256 (60–904)

αp = 0.042

  Median number of PLHIV screened for TB per month.

74 (26–277)

200 (38–419)

αp = 0.345

  Median number of patients per provider per month

90 (66.7–263.5)

28.6 (8.6–113)

αp = 0.046

  1. Note: * used Kruskal-Wallis test, ^ used Mann-Whitney U, and α used Spearman’s correlation coefficient to assess significance difference. IE&C Information, education and communication