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Table 5 Detailed Description of Cost Resource Collection: Methods

From: A costing analysis of B-GAP: index-linked HIV testing for children and adolescents in Zimbabwe

Cost Category

Primary Method of Data Collection


Recurrent Costs


HTS: Interviewing the Nurse-In-Charge


Interviews with the study coordinator and research assistants, in addition to direct observation


- When all clinic staff was recorded, clinic staff time was measured through direct observation, with a particular focus on the HTS.

- A PCC at each clinic was observed for a full work day, by two separate individuals, and was also interviewed.


- Study personnel demarcate their time solely to index-linked testing activities. As a result time-tracking diaries were completed by study personnel to detail time spent on specific activities over the course of the study, and directly observed while in clinic also.

- 6 research assistants completed diaries spanning 2 weeks each.

- Direct observation was completed by 2 separate individuals, observing each of the 6 assistants for 1 day each.


HTS: Interviewing the primary care counsellors


Interviewing study research assistants

HTS: First, PCCs were asked to specify every consumable which was required for an HTS client. Then each item was catalogued by natural unit – ex. 500 g bag of absorbent cotton, 1 roll per bag. Following this, each consumable was quantified per consumption length – ex. one pack of cotton lasts on average, 3.5 weeks. Use was then calculated monthly (ex. 1.14 pack/month), and monthly use was then extrapolated to cover a one-year time period.

Index-Linked-Testing: Method, same as above.


HTS: Interviewing the Nurse-in-Charge/District Medical Officer

Index-Linked-Testing: Abstracting study accounting files and interview with study coordinator.

Frequency of training and refresher training sessions was noted.

Transportation/ Duties

Index-Linked-Testing (only):

Abstracting study accounting files

Frequency and amount of duties related to index-linked testing consumables was noted.


HTS: Interviewing nurse-in-charge

Index-Linked-Testing: Abstracting study accounting files

HTS: Overheads were collected and then apportioned according to HTS usage, compared to the size of the other clinic departments.

Index-Linked-Testing: Abstracting study accounting files.


Index-Linked-Testing (only):

Abstracting study accounting files

Frequency and amount of processing fees related to viral load suppression assessment was noted.

Capital Costs

Building/ Facility Space

HTS: Direct observation and physically pacing/spacing the clinic.

The area of the clinic and HTS were manually measured.

Furniture and Equipment

HTS: Direct observation and recording

Index-Linked-Testing: Direct observation, recording and abstracting study accounting files

Furniture and equipment directly involved in service provision were physically counted and recorded.

Intervention Start – Up

Index-Linked-Testing (only):

Abstracting study accounting files

Frequency and financial resources invested in initial RA training, as well as RA rapid diagnostic and OMT testing training, was noted.