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Table 2 Baseline Physical Functioning and PTSD Treatments Received

From: Physical functioning and mental health treatment initiation and retention for veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: a prospective cohort study


Limitations in Physical Functioninga,N(%)


Not at all

(N= 1334)

Limited a little (N= 2858)

Limited a lot (N= 2573)

Treatment Initiation:


610 (45)

1279 (45)

1117 (43)

Medications only

179 (13)

433 (15)

425 (17)

Psychotherapy only

306 (23)

545 (19)

454 (18)

Both medications and psychotherapy

239 (18)

601 (21)

577 (22)

Medication Treatment Retentionb

214 (16)

484 (17)

501 (19)

Psychotherapy Retentionc

115 (9)

245 (9)

216 (8)


Role Limitations Due to Physical Healtha,N(%)


None of

the time

(N= 512)

A little or Some of the time (N= 2750)

Most or All of the time (N= 3503)

Treatment Initiation:


271 (53)

1246 (45)

1489 (43)

Medications only

57 (11)

396 (14)

584 (17)

Psychotherapy only

114 (22)

561 (20)

630 (18)

Both medications and psychotherapy

70 (14)

547 (20)

800 (23)

Medication Treatment Retentionb

62 (12)

434 (16)

703 (20)

Psychotherapy Retentionc

30 (6)

232 (8)

314 (9)

  1. a Assessed using 2 items from the Veterans Short Form 12-item Survey; see Methods.
  2. b Retention defined as having at least 4 months of appropriate antidepressant medications.
  3. c Retention defined as having at least 8 psychotherapy visits, individual and/or group.