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Table 1 Correlations among health system infrastructure scores and contextual indicators

From: A model for national assessment of barriers for implementing digital technology interventions to improve hypertension management in the public health care system in India


DH composite score

CHC composite score

PHC composite score

SC Composite score

Mean systolic blood pressure

Mean body mass index

Proportion of the population aged 60 y and older

Proportion of the population living in an urban setting

Mean household wealth index

DH composite score



CHC composite score

0.05452 0.2381



PHC composite score

0.08205 0.0756

0.29117 < .0001



SC Composite score

−0.01702 0.7129

0.44071 < .0001

0.29011 < .0001



Mean systolic blood pressure

−0.12143 0.0084

0.14008 0.0023

0.14351 0.0018

0.27024 < .0001



Mean body mass index

−0.00495 0.9148

0.31906 < .0001

0.45028 < .0001

0.43183 < .0001

0.43016 < .0001



Proportion of the population aged 60 y and older

0.09556 0.0384

0.04012 0.3854

0.13008 0.0047

0.07249 0.1166

0.18510 < .0001

0.15481 0.0008



Proportion of the population living in an urban setting

−0.02449 0.5963

0.20720 < .0001

0.22322 < .0001

0.18291 < .0001

0.17995 < .0001

0.39681 < .0001

0.02546 0.5819



Mean household wealth index

0.10203 0.0270

0.32090 < .0001

0.26117 < .0001

0.29096 < .0001

0.29572 < .0001

0.41076 < .0001

0.09506 0.0394

0.38796 < .0001


  1. Notes: Correlations are shown among 470 districts with complete data on all indicators. Variables summarize each indicator at the district level. The Spearman correlation is shown as the first row of each cell. The second row shows the p-value for the correlation. Bold values indicate p < .05
  2. CHC Community health centre, DH District hospital, PHC Primary health centre, SC sub-centre