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Table 1 Variables included in the study with definitions and data collection time points

From: Investigating geographical variation in the use of mental health services by area of England: a cross-sectional ecological study


Variable definition

Data collection time point

Data source

Number of people in contact with mental health services per 100,000 populationa

People with an open Adult Mental Health Care Spell in NHS funded adult specialist mental health services at the end of the reporting period

Q3 2019

Public Health England’s Fingertips Database


Median age of the population of the Clinical Commissioning Group(CCG)


Office for National Statistics (ONS)


Percentage of the population who are male



Prevalence of severe mental illness (SMI)

The percentage of patients with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder and other psychoses as recorded on general practice disease registers.


Public Health England’s Fingertips Database

Estimated prevalence of common mental disorders (CMD)

The estimated proportion of the population aged 16 & over who have a common mental disorder (CMD), where CMD is defined as any type of depression or anxiety, model calculations based on Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey (APMS) data applied to local demography


Public Health England’s Fingertips Database

Index of multiple deprivation score (IMD)

Measure of relative deprivation for small areas in England, which ranks every small area in England from 1 (most deprived) to 32,844 (least deprived) on the basis of income, employment, education skills and training, health, crime, housing and services, living environment


Public Health England’s Fingertips Database

Percentage unemployed

Claimant rate: Percentage of the working age population who are claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance plus those who claim Universal Credit and are required to seek work and be available for work


Public Health England’s Fingertips Database

Proportion who are Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME)

Number of people on the 2011 Census who stated their ethnicity as ‘not White’ as a proportion of the total number answering the ethnicity question on the 2011 Census, per 1000 population

2011 (last census)

Public Health England’s Fingertips Database

Population density

Number of people per 10 ha


Calculated using ONS Standard Area Measurements

Access to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)

The number of people entering IAPT services as a proportion of those estimated to have anxiety and/or depression

March 2019

Public Health England’s Fingertips Database

Recovery in IAPT

This is the number of people not at ‘caseness’ (experiencing severe enough symptoms to be considered a clinical case) at their last session, as a percentage of people who were at ‘caseness’ at their first session

August 2019

Public Health England’s Fingertips Database

  1. aPrimary outcome