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Table 1 Descriptive Statistics

From: Patient gender does not influence referral to an orthopaedic surgeon by advanced practice orthopaedic providers: a prospective observational study in Canada

Characteristic or Measure


N = 511


N = 304

Age mean (sd)

66.4 (9.9)

66.5 (10.2)

BMI mean (sd)

30.4 (8.2)

30.2 (5.7)

Joint hip / knee

201 / 310

122 / 182

(% hip / % knee)

(39.3% / 60.7%)

(40.1% / 59.9%)

Comorbidities quartiles; n

1, 2, 3; 511

1, 2, 3; 303

Failed Conservative Treatment n/N (%)

212/492 (43.1%)

138/295 (46.8%)

Kellgren-Lawrence Score

 1 n (%)

3 (0.6)

1 (0.3)

 2 n (%)

121 (23.7)

53 (17.4)

 3 n (%)

95 (18.7)

41 (13.5)

 4 n (%)

292 (57.1)

209 (68.8)

Clinical score (0–3) quartiles; n

1.5, 2.0, 2.0; 510

2.0, 2.0, 2.0; 304

Functional score (0–3) quartiles; n

1.5, 2.0, 2.0; 510

1.0, 2.0, 2.0; 304

Radiological score (0–2) quartiles; n

1.5, 2.0, 2.0; 510

1.5, 2.0, 2.0; 304

Total severity score (0–8) quartiles; n

4.5, 5.5, 6.0; 510

5.0, 5.5, 6.0; 304

P4 pain score (0–40) mean, sd; n

23.9, 9.8; 509

22.4, 9.7; 303

LEFS score (0–80) mean, sd; n

31.9, 16.2; 509

32.1, 16.1; 303

30s Chair Stand mean, sd; n

10.3, 4.3; 425

11.2, 4.7; 267

40 m walk time mean, sd; n

35.1, 10.8; 436

32.8, 12.6; 272

Timed-up-and-go quartiles; n

20, 25, 40; 58

16, 24, 30; 22