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Table 1 Questions from qualitative guides

From: A community-based mobile clinic model delivering PrEP for HIV prevention to adolescent girls and young women in Cape Town, South Africa

General Theme

Sample questions/prompts from qualitative guide

PrEP Decision-making

How did AGYW hear about PrEP in their community and/or what encouraged them to come to the clinic and start PrEP?

Clinic Experiences

AGYW asked to describe their clinic experiences, including accessibility, clinic procedures, counseling and support received from staff, and facilitators and barriers to starting and refilling PrEP from the clinic.

PrEP in the future

AGYW were asked about PrEP delivery strategies they think could be helpful for AGYW who want to take PrEP, including convenient locations and times of services and recommendations to clinic experience, PrEP counseling and information.