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Table 1 Search strategy (used for CINAHL database)

From: Barriers and facilitators experienced by osteopaths in implementing a biopsychosocial (BPS) framework of care when managing people with musculoskeletal pain – a mixed methods systematic review

Concept 1

Concept 2

Concept 3

1. Exp. Osteopath*

2. Exp. Manual therapy

3. Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT)

4. Spinal Manipulation

5. Thrust

6. Joint mobilization

7. Or/ 1–6

8. Exp. BPS Model

9. Biopsychosocial*

10. BPS Framework/care

11. Patient centeredness

12. Patient care

13. Patient centered approach

14. Clinical Practice Guidelines

15. Musculoskeletal Pain/therapy [Mesh]

16. Or/8–15

17. 7 AND 16

18. Usage

19. Implementation

20. Facilitator

21. Enabler

22. Barrier

23. Challenges

24. Attitudes

25. Or/18–24

26. Randomized clinical trial/

27. Controlled clinical trial/

28. Qualitative Study

29. Mixed Methods Study

30. or/ 26–29

31. 25 AND 30

32. 17 AND 31

  1. Filters: The following filters were applied: Year: Jan 2005 to August 2020; Language: English