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Table 1 Quality standard items list

From: Quality of maternal and newborn health care in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study

Input Quality items



Essential drugs

Functional incinerator on the time of visit.

Dexamethasone/betamethasone IV

Functional placenta pit on the time of visit.


Electric power supplies any type.


Water availability in the compound either in the form of pipe water or hand pump.



Ampicillin (IV)

Newborn corner in the delivery room.

Gentamycin (IV)

Baby Weighing scales for Newborns with 50 precision.

Metronidazole (IV)

Complete delivery sets (Kidney dish, forceps, gauze swabs, Scissors, pads, cord tie/clips) at least three per facility.

Tetracycline (TTC) eye ointment

Towel for baby drying and wrapping

Vitamin K

Bulb suction


Ambu bag & face masks (neonatal- size 0)

Calcium gluconate

Ambu bag & face masks (neonatal- size 1)


Oxygen concentrator/Oxygen cylinder

Normal saline/Ringers lactate

Radiant warmer


Running water at the delivery room.


Soap at the delivery room.


Process Quality items


Clinical care for MNH

Complication management

Proportion of deliveries which danger signs assessed on admission (BP measured)

Proportion of women with pre-eclampsia who are treated with IV/IM MgS04

Proportion of deliveries which partograph started when cervical dilatation at least 4 cm

Proportion of pregnant women with pPRoM who are not in labor and are given oral erythromycin

Proportion of mothers who received 10 IU IV/IM Oxytocin

Proportion of Postpartum Hemorrhage cases managed per protocol

Proportion of newborn who had assessment (does the baby need special care and monitoring) – APGAR score

Proportion of asphyxiated neonates who were resuscitated (with bag & mask) and survived

Proportion of deliveries (newborns) who received immediate skin to skin and initiate breastfeeding within the 1st hour (measured by mother/baby bonding)

Proportion of Sick Young infants treated for sepsis/VSD

Proportion of deliveries (newborns) who received Vit K1

Proportion of low birth weight or premature newborns for whom KMC was initiated after delivery

Proportion of deliveries (newborns) who received Tetracycline Eye Ointment


Output Quality items


Proportion of women that received antenatal care four or more times during the current pregnancy

Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel (midwife, nurse, health officer or doctor)

Proportion of pregnant women attending antenatal care clinics tested for syphilis

Proportion of births that received post-natal care at least once during the early post-partum period (within 48 h after delivery)