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Table 2 Sample characteristics

From: Understanding acceptability in the context of text messages to encourage medication adherence in people with type 2 diabetes


Anticipated Acceptability study (n = 59)

Experienced Acceptability study (n = 48)

Mean age (SD)

62.8 (10.8)

63.0 (9.5)

Male n (%)

33 (56%)a

33 (69%)

White British n (%)

50 (85%)

43 (90%)

Index of Multiple deprivation decile

Participant’s postcode b

Participant’s GP practice postcode

 1–3 (Most deprived)

11 (22%)

13 (27%)


22 (45%)

26 (54%)

 8–10 (Least deprived)

16 (33%)

9 (19%)

Last medication change to diabetes medicationc

  < 3 months

9 (18%)

9 (19%)

  > 3 months but < 6 months

8 (16%)

7 (15%)

  > 6 months but < 12 months

6 (12%)

11 (23%)

 1 year or over

27 (54%)

20 (43%)

  1. a n = 56 as n = 3 did not specify b n = 49 for IMD as n = 10 postcodes either missing or incorrect c n = 50 for anticipated acceptability survey and n = 47 for the experienced acceptability study due to missing data