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Table 6 Two-stage IV multivariate regression estimations of immigrant workers’ health

From: The relationship between urban and rural health insurance and the self-rated health of migrant workers in Southwest China


First-stage regression NRCMS (2)

First-stage regression Urban Health Insurance (3)

SRH (4)

Coeff. (95% CI)

Coeff. (95% CI)

Coeff. (95% CI)

Health insurance coverage No insurance (reference)



−0.419 (−1.226, 0.389)

 Urban health insurance


2.753** (0.504,5.002)

 Income source

−0.030*** (− 0.049, − 0.011)

0.015*** (0.004, 0.026)


 Number of family members who have lived in the household during the past 6 months

−0.051*** (− 0.065, − 0.038)

−0.019*** (− 0.028, − 0.010)



0.741*** (0.683, 0.801)

0.082*** (0.037, 0.127)






Weak instrumental variable tests




  1. Notes: *p < 0.10; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01. The estimation model controlled the variables of gender, age, marital status, education, years living in this city, monthly income, occupation, employment position, being chronic disease patients, being sick during the past 2 weeks, smoking, and alcohol consumption