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Table 3 Estimated effect of implementation of QBPs on outcomes from the segmented regression analysis. Calculated as counterfactual difference from the difference (95% Confidence Intervals) between the actual rate post-implementation and the predicted rate had QBP not been implemented

From: Effects of hospital funding reform on wait times for hip fracture surgery: a population-based interrupted time-series analysis


Estimate (95% CI)

Mean wait time (in hours) from ED/hospital admission to surgery

 Hip fractures

- 0.46 (-3.94, 3.03)

 Ankle fractures

1.46 (-3.58, 6.50)

 Tibial plateau fractures

-3.22 (-39.39, 32.95)


0.33 (-0.57, 1.24)

Percentage (%) of surgeries performed after hoursa

 Hip fractures

-0.90 (-3.91, 2.11)

 Ankle fractures

-3.54 (-11.25, 4.16)

 Tibial plateau fractures

7.09 (-7.97, 22.14)


1.07 (-2.45, 4.59)

  1. aAfter hours = evening or overnight (between the hours of 1700 – 0700, any day)