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Table 4 Prevalence of Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy and correlation with utilization of eye health service among patients visiting eye clinic

From: Utilization of eye health services and diabetic retinopathy: a cross-sectional study among persons living with diabetes visiting a tertiary eye care facility in Ghana



Correlation with eye care health service utilization

Diabetic retinopathy-Ordinal



 No apparent DR


 Moderate NPDR with CSME



 Severe NPDR with CSME



Diabetic retinopathy



 No apparent DR




  1. Note: DR denote Diabetes Retinopathy; NPDR denote No-Proliferative Diabetes Retinopathy; CSME denote Clinically Significant Macular Edema. Superscript a and b represent Pairwise and Phi correlation analysis.
  2. Note: P-value notation: **p-value≤0.01, ***p-value≤0.001