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Table 2 TDF domains, project implementation questions, and frequency distributions of participants (dentists and dental hygienists (n = 37) and dental assistants (n = 17)) responding “agree” and “strongly agree” to the questionnaire items. RBFS: resin-based fissure sealants; FV: fluoride varnish

From: Using Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) to understand implementation of a pragmatic clinical trial in Public Dental Service in Norway



Dentists and dental hygienists

Dental assistants

% agree/strongly agree

% agree/strongly agree


1. I know how to apply RBFS.

2. I know how to apply FV.

3. I am aware of advantages of RBFS.

4. I am aware of disadvantages of RBFS.

5. I am aware of advantages of FV.

6. I am aware of disadvantages of FV.

100 %

100 %

97 %

87 %

95 %

68 %








7. I am confident in using RBFS for prevention of occlusal caries.

8. I am confident in using FV for prevention of occlusal caries.

9. I am aware of what contributing to a research project means.

10. It was simple to work with the split-mouth method.

92 %

86 %

70 %

44 %



88 %


Professional role and identity

11. Contributing to research projects is part of my work duties.

65 %

53 %

Beliefs about capabilities

12. I was confident about my role in the clinical trial.

13. I was clear about expectations of me in the clinical trial.

14. I felt safe to ask patients to participate in the clinical trial.

15. I had overview of patients that could be recruited to the clinical trial.

16. It was easy to do proper follow-up of participants in the clinical trial.

84 %

68 %

84 %

68 %

35 %

35 %

29 %

53 %

59 %

47 %


17. I was highly motivated to contribute to the clinical trial before project start.

18. The whole team was highly motivated before the clinical trial started.

19. I was highly motivated to contribute to the clinical trial through the project period.

20. The whole team was highly motivated to implement the clinical trial through the project period.

41 %

47 %

41 %

19 %

53 %

59 %

53 %

41 %

Beliefs about consequences

21. The clinical trial topic was highly relevant for patients.

22. The clinical trial topic was highly relevant for me.

23. I expect the results from the clinical trial will be useful to my clinical practice.

24. It was rewarding for me as clinician to contribute to a research project.

84 %

89 %

84 %

57 %

71 %

59 %

71 %

41 %


25. I intend to participate in future research projects.

26. I intend to motivate my colleagues to participate in future research projects.

70 %

70 %

53 %

59 %

Organizational resources

27. I had enough time for implementing the project.

28. I often felt that I needed to prioritize other tasks above the implementation of the research projecta.

29. I had enough time to adapt the project to my daily practice.

43 %

24 %

35 %

35 %

41 %

24 %

Environmental context

30. I received enough information about the project from OHCE before project start.

31. I had good communication with OHCE during the project.

32. It was easy to recruit participants to the project.

33. Patients were motivated to participate in the project.

73 %

49 %

32 %

46 %

53 %

47 %

59 %

53 %

Social influences

34. The leader of my clinic was supportive of the project.

35. We discussed the project at my clinics and encouraged each other to participate.

36. My colleagues were supportive towards my work with the project.

37. I experienced resistance from my colleagues towards my work with the projecta.

62 %

30 %

32 %

73 %

41 %

47 %

41 %

65 %

  1. areversed question, n/a not applicable