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Table 13 Service activities and achievements

From: Place4Carers: a multi-method participatory study to co-design, piloting, and transferring a novel psycho-social service for engaging family caregivers in remote rural settings


SOS Caregivers

Organizational structure

Health consumers’ management board

Number of activities: 3 meetings

Average number of participants per meeting: 7 caregivers, 2 ATSP representatives, 2 researchers

Service activities

Training programme

Total participants: 39

Peer-to-peer meetings

Total participants: 29

Project and service information

Number of activities between

April 2019–February 2020:

5 training sessions (+  1 postponed):

1. Helping relatives with swallowing

2. Supporting relatives in routine activities

3. Dealing with stressful situations

4. Preventing falls and managing medications

5. Implementing sanitary best practices

5 group meetings (+  1 postponed):

1. The role of caregivers

2. Managing caregivers’ private life

3. Cultural and culinary habits of Vallecamonica

4. Memories related to family life

5. Difficulties of living in remote and rural areas

1. Project website and Facebook page

2. Brochures about the service

3. ATSP website – news section

4. WhatsApp group coordinated by ATSP

5. Report summarizing service information for relatives in Vallecamonica

Number of online activities between

October–November 2020

2 online training sessions

1. Helping relatives with swallowing

2. Dealing with relatives during the Covid-19 pandemic

2 online group meetings:

1. The effects of Covid-19 in daily life

2. How to deal with more complex and stressful situations

Two online recordings of training sessions;

Average number of participants per session/meeting

7 caregivers

1 formal teacher

1 ATSP representative

6 caregivers

1 psychologist

83 Facebook page followers

>  130 visitors to the project website

Average satisfaction


