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Table 6 Use and cost of any dental services: difference-in-differences analyses

From: Impacts of innovation in dental care delivery and payment in Medicaid managed care for children and adolescents

% Change Rate [exp(b)-1]

Any Dental: Diff-in-Diff (2016Q1 - 2017Q4 vs. Baseline All)

Total # of Patient Quarters = 1,236,967

Utilization: ZINB model

Cost: two-part model


Inflate (0 vs. 1)


Logit (1 vs. 0)


Age (ref: 0 to 5)

 6 to 12

−0.218*** (0.008)

− 0.003 (0.006)

0.267*** (0.013)

− 0.006 (0.005)

 13 to 18

−0.112*** (0.008)

− 0.052*** (0.008)

0.110*** (0.011)

− 0.028*** (0.004)

Gender (ref: Female)


−0.002 (0.007)

− 0.006* (0.003)

0.001 (0.007)

−0.003 (0.003)

Race/Ethnicity (ref: White)

 Hispanic Non-White

−0.027*** (0.008)

−0.007* (0.004)

0.026*** (0.008)

−0.010*** (0.003)


0.110*** (0.014)

0.006 (0.008)

−0.096*** (0.012)

0.008* (0.004)

Coverage Days (ref: < 30 days)

 30–59 days

−0.051*** (0.018)

− 0.038* (0.019)

0.045** (0.020)

−0.037*** (0.013)

 60–89 days

− 0.064*** (0.019)

−0.035*** (0.013)

0.062*** (0.023)

−0.028* (0.014)

  > = 90 days

− 0.102*** (0.016)

− 0.033** (0.013)

0.105*** (0.020)

− 0.030*** (0.011)

Other county-level covariates

 Uninsured %Point (1–100)

−0.005 (0.003)

0.002 (0.002)

0.005 (0.003)

0.000 (0.001)

 # Dentist/100 k population

0.000 (0.001)

−0.000 (0.000)

−0.000 (0.001)

− 0.000 (0.000)

 Population/Square Miles

0.000 (0.000)

0.000** (0.000)

−0.000 (0.000)

0.000*** (0.000)

PREDICT (ref: Control)

0.007 (0.019)

−0.014** (0.006)

−0.010 (0.018)

− 0.012* (0.006)

Post-intervention Quarters (ref: baseline all)


0.076*** (0.009)

−0.010 (0.015)

−0.069*** (0.008)

− 0.015 (0.016)


0.040** (0.020)

−0.001 (0.014)

−0.038** (0.018)

− 0.004 (0.012)


0.067*** (0.023)

−0.004 (0.019)

−0.062*** (0.021)

− 0.009 (0.014)


0.072*** (0.017)

0.002 (0.016)

−0.065*** (0.017)

0.008 (0.014)


0.075** (0.031)

0.038** (0.018)

−0.065** (0.026)

0.020 (0.014)


0.054* (0.029)

0.002 (0.022)

−0.050* (0.025)

−0.003 (0.018)


0.046 (0.040)

−0.002 (0.016)

−0.041 (0.036)

− 0.017 (0.015)


0.058 (0.039)

0.019 (0.017)

−0.048 (0.035)

−0.000 (0.011)

Interaction Effect (ref: Control at baseline all)


−0.030** (0.015)

0.011 (0.019)

0.030* (0.016)

0.015 (0.020)


0.011 (0.019)

0.011 (0.015)

−0.008 (0.019)

0.015 (0.014)


−0.009 (0.027)

0.028 (0.020)

0.015 (0.029)

0.027* (0.015)


−0.021 (0.017)

0.005 (0.023)

0.022 (0.019)

−0.011 (0.018)


−0.046** (0.019)

−0.014 (0.015)

0.047** (0.022)

−0.003 (0.014)


−0.003 (0.019)

0.022 (0.023)

0.007 (0.019)

0.011 (0.020)


−0.004 (0.025)

0.053*** (0.019)

0.010 (0.026)

0.053*** (0.017)


−0.021 (0.019)

−0.014 (0.015)

0.017 (0.020)

−0.002 (0.010)


3.963*** (0.378)

4.432*** (0.267)

−0.819*** (0.013)

136.064*** (4.135)

  1. Robust standard errors in parentheses; *** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1; Clustering on “county” to adjust for within-county homoskedasticity; Alpha test ZINB vs. ZIP = − 0.441*** (0.005) [Significant means ZINB is preferred over ZIP]