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Table 1 Focus group and semi-structured interview topic guide

From: A focused ethnography in the context of a European cancer research hospital accreditation program

1. Perceptions regarding the accreditation

Exemplifying questions:

“Could you tell how OECI accreditation was told? When was the first time you heard about OECI? What did you think about it? What is the meaning of this process, according to you?”

2. Experience of OECI-related change

Exemplifying questions:

“What happened in your work or activities in connection with OECI accreditation? Could you tell me what you did before accreditation and what do you do now?”

3. Meanings of new tasks and activities

Exemplifying questions:

“Could you tell me how your work has changed? What is the meaning of these new practices? What do you think about OECI-related tasks? How did you experience this change personally? How did you experience this change as a team?”

4. Comparison among accreditation’s programs

Exemplifying questions (for participants who in the past have had the opportunity to experiment other accreditation processes):

“Could you please tell me if you’ve had the chance to experiment with other types of accreditation? Could you tell me how it went? What were the most significant aspects?”