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Table 2 Example questions from the online survey

From: Implementing a digital health model of care in Australian youth mental health services: protocol for impact evaluation

Topic: Views on digital health, and the adoption of the digital health solution



In the last 2 weeks, to what extent did you employ the following in your usual clinical care:

(N/A/ not at all/ rarely/ sometimes/ very often/ always)

â–¡ Broad, multi-dimensional assessment of needs beyond mental health, including but not limited to: physical health, daily functioning, alcohol and drug use, and social connectedness

□ Outcome monitoring to routinely measure a young person’s progress using objective, standardised measures to track improvements or deterioration, for the purposes of treatment planning

□ Match the ‘intensity’ of an intervention to the needs of the young person

â–¡ Shared or collaborative decision making with the young person under your care

â–¡ Etc.

What is the main reason for not always adopting any of the previous items in your usual clinical care? Please select all that apply.

â–¡ I do not think any of the above items are important to adopt in my usual clinical care

â–¡ I am worried that the digital health solution poses a potential risk to the quality of the care provided to clients

â–¡ Time constraints

â–¡ Capacity restraints

â–¡ Etc.

When considering the positive social benefits you identified in the previous question, how much do you personally agree or disagree with the following statements?

(Not sure/ strongly disagree/ disagree/ neutral/ agree/ strongly agree)

□ Without the Brain and Mind Centre’s digital health solution, these positive social benefits (on consumers, my standard practice or my health service) would have happened anyway

□ Due to the Brain and Mind Centre’s digital health solution, other tasks I used to carry out have stopped or have been replaced

â–¡ These positive social benefits will continue in the years to come