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Table 3 Themes and categories identified from interview data

From: Physiotherapists’ awareness of risk of bone demineralisation and falls in people living with HIV: a qualitative study



Physiotherapists (un) awareness of falls risk

Not anticipatory of falls in PLWH

Falls associated with geriatric population

Unaware of serostatus of PLWH

Minority of physiotherapists aware of falls in PLWH

Physiotherapists (un) awareness of bone demineralisation in PLWH

Unaware of effects of HIV or ART on bones

Inaccessible facilities for BMD measurement

Minority of physiotherapists aware of bone demineralisation in PLWH

Suboptimal fall prevention services

Fall risk assessment not prioritised

Inadequate primary fall prevention strategies

No screening or assessment tools available

Inadequate referral to multidisciplinary team by physiotherapists