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Table 1 Specification of the HCP target behaviours selected to focus upon in the intervention

From: The development of a theory and evidence-based intervention to aid implementation of exercise into the prostate cancer care pathway with a focus on healthcare professional behaviour, the STAMINA trial

Target behaviour


Where and When?

Secondary care

1. Identify patient as suitable for exercise

Consultant and/or key worker

At any point within the pathway

2. Recommend exercise training

Consultant and/or key worker

At any point within the pathway

3. Provide patient with information pack and materials


At the point of an exercise referral

4. Discuss barriers and facilitators around exercise training, provide support using BCTs


At the point of an exercise referral

5. Make referral for exercising training


At any point within the pathway

6. Read and interpret exercise progress report


Follow-up appointment

7. Provide feedback to the patient on the exercise progress report


Follow-up appointment