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Table 1 A detailed description of the survey questionnaire and Cronbach’s alpha coefficients

From: Factors associated with staff-to-resident abuse in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study



Scoring values, used in analyses

α (original study)

α (current study)

Individual (staff)



0 = Female

1 = Male





The continuous variable used in analyses




Professional occupation

0 = Nursing assistant (no health education)

1 = Licensed practical nurse

2 = Registered nurse/social educator



Continuous health education

‘Do you have continuous education in healthcare?’

0 = Yes

1 = No



Overall health

‘How is your health in general?’

Likert scale 1–5: very good ➔ very bad




HUNT (one item)

‘Do you feel exhausted/tired?’

0 = No

1 = Yes



Psychological distress

SCL (5 items)

‘Have you been bothered by any of these the past 14 days?’ E.g. feeling hopeless about the future, worrying too much about things.

Likert scale 1–4: not bothered ➔ very bothered

Mean score cut-off ≥2.0

0 = No psychological distress

1 = Psychological distress (≥ 2.0)



Quality of childhood

HUNT (one item)

‘When you think about your childhood, would you describe it as …’

Likert scale 1–5: very good ➔ very difficult



Job satisfaction

‘How satisfied are you with your job in general?’

Likert scale 1–5: very satisfied ➔ very unsatisfied



Intention to leave

‘During the past 12 months, have you considered leaving your job?’

0 = No

1 = Yes




ADQ – ‘Hope’ dimension (8 items)

‘Please indicate to what extent you agree or disagree with the following statements related to dementia…’ E.g., it is important with strict routines, people with dementia are very much like children, there is no hope for people with dementia.

Likert scale 1–5: strongly agree ➔ strongly disagree

Composite score 8–40 ➔ higher score = more positive a




Resident aggression

Malmedal (5 items)

‘How often during the past 12 months have residents…’ E.g., thrown objects at you, spat at you, pinched, beat or pulled your hair.

Likert scale 1–5: daily ➔ never

Average score ➔ higher score = less aggression a



Care-related conflicts

Malmedal (4 items)

‘How often during the past 12 months have it occurred conflicts between residents and staff…’ E.g., because residents refuse to eat, bathe, dress, or go to the toilet.

Likert scale 1–5: daily ➔ never

Average score ➔ higher score = less conflicts a




Quantitative job demands

QPSNordic (4 items)

‘Is your workload irregular so that the work piles up … do you have to work overtime … is it necessary to work at a rapid pace … do you have too much to do?’

Likert scale 1–5: very seldom/never ➔ very often/always

Average score ➔ higher score = more demands



Support from manager

QPSNordic (3 items)

‘If needed, can you get support and help... are immediate superior willing to listen… are your work achievements appreciated by your immediate superior?’

Likert scale 1–5: very seldom/never ➔ very often/always

Average score ➔ higher score = more support a



Support from co-workers

QPSNordic (2 items)

‘If needed, can you get support and help with your work from your co-workers … are your co-workers willing to listen to your work-related problems?’

Likert scale 1–5: very seldom/never ➔ very often/always

Average score ➔ higher score = more support a



Facility size

Number of beds

The continuous variable used in analyses



Location of municipalities

Centrality index from 1 to 6

0 = Urban (Levels 1–2)

1 = Suburban (Levels 3–4)

2 = Rural (Levels 5–6)



  1. ascale/score reversed in regression analysis