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From: Cost of childhood acute otitis media in primary care in the Netherlands: economic analysis alongside a cluster randomised controlled trial


Total group

n = 223; 37 practices


n = 94; 19 practices

Usual care

n = 129; 18 practices


Age (months)

40 (16–64)

38 (13–62)

43 (20–66)

Sex (boys)

120 (53.8)

54 (57.4)

66 (51.2)

Medical history

 Recurrent AOM

26 (11.7)

14 (14.9)

12 (9.3)

 Recurrent URTI

24 (10.8)

13 (13.8)

11 (8.5)

 Previous ENT surgery

23 (10.3)

15 (16.0)

8 (6.2)

 Atopic constitution

24 (10.8)

16 (17.0)

8 (6.2)

Symptoms prior to consultation (parent-reported)

 Ear pain (yes/no)*

166 (86.9)

75 (90.4)

91 (84.3)

  Number of days

2 (0.5–3.5)

2 (0.5–3.5)

3 (1–5)


28 (15.7)

12 (15.4)

16 (16.0)

  Number of days

0 (0–0)

2 (0–5)

2 (0–4.5)


126 (64.3)

50 (60.2)

76 (67.3)

  Number of days

2 (0.5–3.5)

2 (1–3)

3 (2–4)

Physical examination

 Temperature in °C

37.8 ± 1.0

37.6 ± 0.9

37.9 ± 1.1

 Ill appearance

43 (20.0)

18 (19.6)

25 (20.3)

 Unilateral AOM

144 (64.6)

65 (69.1)

79 (61.2)


132 (59.2)

60 (92.3)

72 (91.1)


81 (36.3)

29 (44.6)

52 (65.8)


12 (5.4)

4 (6.2)

8 (10.1)

 Bilateral AOM

79 (35.4)

29 (30.9)

50 (38.8)


74 (33.2)

29 (100)

45 (90.0)


53 (23.8)

17 (58.6)

36 (72.0)


8 (3.6)

3 (10.3)

5 (10.0)

Symptoms at baseline (parent-reported)

 Proportion of children with ear pain*

204 (98.1)

87 (98.9)

117 (97.5)

 Proportion of children with fever*

107 (54.9)

40 (48.2)

67 (59.8)

Antibiotic prescriptions**

92 (41.3)

36 (38.3)

56 (43.4)

  1. Values are numbers (percentages) unless stated otherwise
  2. °C: degrees Celsius; AOM: acute otitis media; ENT: ear, nose, throat; GP: general practitioner; URTI: upper respiratory tract infection
  3. median with IQR, mean with SD
  4. * missings: otorrhea prior to consultation (45), ear pain prior to consultation (32), fever prior to consultation (21), temperature (10), ill appearance (8), ear pain at baseline (15), fever at baseline (22)
  5. ** number (and percentage) of children prescribed one (or more) antibiotics