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Table 1 CFIR domains and constructs, with aligning study entities

From: Implementation of a standard outcome set in perinatal care: a qualitative analysis of barriers and facilitators from all stakeholder perspectives

Domain (aligning study entity)


Intervention Characteristics (of the PCB outcome set)

- Intervention Source

- Evidence Strength and Quality

- Relative Advantage

- Adaptability

- Trialability

- Complexity

- Design Quality

- Cost

Inner Setting (OCN practices)

- Structural Characteristics

- Networks and Communications

- Culture

- Implementation Climate

- Readiness for Implementation

Outer Setting (Dutch perinatal care)

- Patient Needs and Resources

- Cosmopolitanism

- Peer Pressure

- External Policy and Incentives

Characteristics of Individuals (OCN stakeholders)

- Knowledge and Beliefs about the Intervention

- Self-efficacy

- Individual Stage of Change

- Individual Identification with Organization

- Other Personal Attributes

Process (aspects of implementing, delivering and evaluating the PCB outcome set)

- Planning

- Engaging

- Executing

- Reflecting and Evaluating

  1. Legend: PCB Pregnancy and childbirth; OCN Obstetric care network