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Table 2 Implementation factors influencing MAS delivery during feasibility testing

From: Co-design and feasibility of a pharmacist-led minor ailment service


Implementation factors

Description of implementation factors

Patient level

1.1 Pharmacist interaction with patient

The degree to which the pharmacist interacts with the patient.

Patient level

33. Customer needs

Real or perceived needs and demands of the patients.

Patient level

38 Patients’ awareness and observability

Patients’ background knowledge on the necessity of providing MAS through pharmacists, and their own need of receiving it.

Patient level

9. Observability

Level up to which the benefits of providing MAS are seen by individuals.

Interpersonal level

7. Complexity

Difficulty perceived for the implementation of MAS in the pharmacy, described by the duration, objectives and strategies required within the program.

Interpersonal level

12. Characteristics

Qualities, features or personalities of the providers and pharmacy owners, that will act as enablers or become barriers when providing MAS.

Interpersonal level

14. Individual stage of change

Stage at which each provider sits in relation to the evolution and progress over time.

Interpersonal level

15. Knowledge and experience

The extent to which the targeted individuals have skills, knowledge and experience that they need to adhere.

Interpersonal level

17. Auto efficacy

Provider’s self-beliefs to achieve the objectives established to provide and implement MAS.

Interpersonal level

19.1 Knowledge of own practice

The extent to which the targeted health care professionals are aware of their own practice in relation to recommended practice.

Interpersonal level

20. Team communication

Type, quantity, communication flow between the pharmacy’s staff around MAS.

Interpersonal level

23. Priority (relative) perception

Perception shared by the pharmacy’s workers about the importance of the implementation of MAS.

Interpersonal level

24. Culture

Expectations and shared values of all the pharmacy’s members.

Interpersonal level

28. Non-financial incentives

The extent to which individuals have non-financial incentives to adhere (e.g. personal recognition, CPD)

Interpersonal level

30. Internal supporters and opponents

Support provided by the pharmacy staff members for the implementation of MAS.

Interpersonal level

32. Leadership engagement

Commitment, involvement, capability and responsibility of the head of the pharmacy towards implementing MAS.

Interpersonal level

36 Relationship with physicians

Working relationships established between the pharmacy and its pharmacists and physicians within its surroundings.

Interpersonal level

37. Physicians’ awareness and observability

Perception and knowledge of physicians on the necessity of providing MAS through pharmacists.

Organizational level

2. Time

Amount of time devoted to providing MAS.

Organizational level

6. Resource use by staff

Level of use of the adequate bibliographical / technological resources to deliver MAS.

Organizational level

18. Teamwork

Abilities of the pharmacy’s staff to work together as a group.

Organizational level

19. Workflow (Team processes)

Way in which the pharmacy’s activities are divided and coordinated amongst its staff, including how pharmacy tasks are structured, how they are performed, in what order, how they are synchronised and how this affects the provision of service.

Organizational level

26. Structural characteristics

Pharmacy design, age, size and maturity in relation to the provision of MAS.

Organizational level

27. Resource availability

The extent to which the resources that are needed to adhere are available.

Organizational level

32.1 Capacity to plan change

The extent to which the targeted healthcare professionals have the capacity to plan necessary changes in order to adhere.

Organizational level/ Health system level

28.1 Financial incentives (service profitability)

The extent to which individuals have financial incentives or disincentives to adhere (e.g. ability to earn a profit from MAS).