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Fig. 1 | BMC Health Services Research

Fig. 1

From: Does admission prevalence change after reconfiguration of inpatient services? An interrupted time series analysis of the impact of reconfiguration in five centres

Fig. 1

Map of Scotland identifying where the inpatient facilities (hospitals) where paediatric services were reconfigured and the adjacent inpatient facilities where services were accommodated. White triangles indicate locations where inpatient facilities were reconfigured. Black triangles indicate the location where round-the-clock inpatient services were provided post reconfiguration in an adjacent hospital. The grey speckled unit is Paisley where reconfiguration first took place in an adjacent inpatient facility (Greenock) and then in Paisley itself after which all services were moved to another facility (Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow). The plain grey triangle identifies Inverness as a hospital geographically closer to Elgin than Aberdeen. Map outline by Topbanana (talk) - Own work, Public Domain,

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