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Table 2 Factor loadings for the ICAAT items using principal axis factoring and direct oblimin (delta = 0) rotation (n = 214 students)

From: Development of the Inner City attitudinal assessment tool (ICAAT) for learners across Health care professions






I feel uneasy when interacting with patients from the inner city.RC




I feel uncomfortable when I talk to a patient from the inner city about their social circumstances.RC




I feel uneasy when I am in a room alone with someone from the inner city.RC




I find it difficult to work with patients from the inner city because I have no way of relating to them.RC




I avoid contact with people from the inner city when I am outside of a health care setting.RC




I find it difficult to view things from the perspective of a patient from the inner city.RC




I am reluctant to talk to patients from the inner city about their social circumstances.RC




People from the inner city are disruptive to health care staff and other patients.RC




People from the inner city overuse the health system and waste health care dollars.RC




I avoid contact with people from the inner city when I am in a health care setting.RC




People from the inner city do not adequately value their own health.RC




I feel capable of communicating effectively with a patient from the inner city.




I feel I know enough about the health issues of inner city populations to provide care to a patient from the inner city.




I feel that I know enough about the social determinants of health to provide care to a patient from the inner city.




I feel capable of facilitating trust with a patient from the inner city in a professional setting.




I feel capable of establishing a good working rapport with patients from the inner city.




Professionals in my discipline should advocate for the health of inner city populations.




It is my professional responsibility to provide care to underserved populations.




It is worth my time to provide care to someone from the inner city.




My profession should be involved in providing care to underserved populations.




Providing care to inner city populations is pointless. RC




A person from the inner city deserves hospital space and resources as much as any other patient.




Professionals in my discipline should adapt how care is provided in order to meet the needs of patients from the inner city.




Professionals in my discipline should address social determinants of health (such as unstable housing) when interacting with patients.




  1. a Items are listed by the order of the magnitude of the factor coefficient within each factor. Items were answered on a six-point Likert-type scale (1–strongly disagree; 6–strongly agree). Factor loadings greater than 0.40 are shown in bold.
  2. RC Indicates reverse coding.
  3. Factor 1 is considered as a construct involving “Affective”
  4. Factor 2 is considered as a construct involving “Behavioural”
  5. Factor 3 is considered as a construct involving “Cognitive”
  6. Bivariate correlations among three factors were < 0.48 in absolute value.