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Table 1 Descriptive statistics

From: Centralising acute stroke care within clinical practice in the Netherlands: lower bounds of the causal impact




Number of patients



Age in years (SD)

70 (14)

73 (13)a

Male (%)

149 (56)

383 (49)a

IVT received (%)

61 (23)b

112 (14)

Median sNIHSS on arrival (IQR)

1 (0–3)

1 (0–3)

Median mRS at 3 months (IQR)

1 (0–5)

2 (0–5)a

Referral GP (%)

101 (38)

437 (56)a

First responder EMS (%)

78 (29)

178 (23)

Transported by EMS (%)

204 (76)

456 (58)b

Median distance to hospital (km)



  1. SD indicates standard deviation; IVT Intravenous Thrombolysis, sNIHSS short National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, IQR Interquartile Range, mRS modified Rankin Scale, GP General Practitioner, EMS Emergency Medical Services, km kilometer. Inference: a/b indicate significant differences at the 5%/1% level based on the mean differences of the two systems