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Table 2 Results of identified categories and subcategories with physicians’ indications concerning the addressed aspects

From: Impact, challenges and limits of inpatient palliative care consultations – perspectives of requesting and conducting physicians

Categories and Subcategories


(n = 19)


PC specialist

(n = 10)

Requesting physician

(n = 9)

“Issues leading to an IPCC request”

 Physical symptom burden



Included different physical symptoms in pts

 Patients’ quality of life


When the treating team assumed that quality of life could be improved by IPCC

 Psychological distress



Included pts’ and family caregivers distress

  • Patients



  • Family caregivers






When family caregivers and the treating team were overwhelmed with dealing with pts

  • Family caregivers



  • Treating team (health care professionals)



 Organisation of further care



Support needed in organisation of Out of hospital care or transfer to PCU

 Social-legal matters


Aspects that needed counselling on social-legal matters, e.g. advance directive



Support needed talking to pts. about decisions / the pts’ situation / medical reasonability

 Change of therapeutic goal



Support needed in talking to pts. about therapeutic goals / to discuss medical reasonability

 Limited staff resources



Pts in need of specialized PC are often time consuming and treating teams cannot meet the needs and therefore ask for support

“Barriers on regular wards concerning treatment of patients with PC needs”

 Connection of further outpatient palliative care



Treating teams are not in contact with outpatient palliative care services and lack knowledge on how to organize it




Regular wards have limited access to psychosocial support to assist pts. to deal with their situation

 Lack of privacy (single rooms)



Regular wards usually have limited single rooms and little options for private conversations

 Resources of the requesting team


Requesting physicians can be overwhelmed by the complexity of symptoms and psycho-social needs of pts., and not competent to treat these, also regular wards lack the preferable extent of multidisciplinarity

  • Overstraining



  • No multidisciplinarity



  • Lack of knowledge



  • Lack of time



“Impact of IPCC”

 Transfer of knowledge to the requesting team



Through IPCC non-PC teams are educated in PC

 Relief for the requesting team



Time consuming care and advice concerning palliative situations can be yield to the IPCC-team

 Relief for family care givers



IPCC teams include family care givers in their treatment approach which helps them to get about the situation

 Better patient coping



IPCC supports pts. in coping with the disease/palliative situation

 Improvement of symptom burden



Included different physical symptoms in pts

 Improvement of further care (outside of the hospital)



IPCC improves out of hospital care like organisation of hospice care or other connection to further PC support

“Limitations for the IPCC-Team”

 Limited insight and treatment options in complex cases



IPCC offers only limited time to get to know pts. and their habits. IPCC is also limited in time to grasp the course of (often long-lasting) disease

 Limited resources



Due to limited (IPCC-) staff they are limited in their offers

“Barriers concerning request, conduct and implementation of IPCC”


  Refusal of patients and family care givers



Pts/Family care givers refuse IPCC before having spoken to a IPCC-member

  Fear of denigration


When requesting physicians fear of not having things done correctly and be showed up in front of colleagues

  Overconfidence / Resistance



When non-PC-physicians believe they know what’s best for the patient and don’t accept any other approaches and therefore do not request IPCC support

  Lack of knowledge of the requesting team



Without adequate knowledge the requesting team cannot identify situations or patients that/who would profit from PC.

  Limited time


Limited time to fill out the request form or even to think about treating options in terms of PC

  Assumption of missing benefit for the patient


The treating team feels that there is no benefit for pts. from additional PC treatment

  No problems at all


Meaning that no aspect prevents actions completely


  No provision of an adequate setting

Regular wards have littler privacy, mostly no single rooms or meeting rooms with the option of speaking in private

  Lack of preparation by the requesting team


When the IPCC team arrives, the treating team neglected to tell pts. about including IPCC or they have scheduled a treatment and pts. is therefore not available for consultation

  Limited time



Limited time of the treating team so they are not open to discuss the situation and treatment options with the IPCC team

  Limited time of the IPCC-Team



To complete all requests during a day there is limited time for pts

  Patients refusal


Pts reject a consultation when actually meeting with the IPCC team

  No problems at all



Meaning that no aspect prevents actions completely

 Implementation of IPCC-suggestions

  Patients’ or family care givers’ refusal



After IPCC pts./family care givers reject the proposed approach

  Insecurity, lack of knowledge



The treating team feels uncomfortable with the proposed approach and therefore do not implement it, due to insecurity and a lack of knowledge

  Resistance, Ignorance



The treating team does not believe in the proposed approach and that it would not be more helpful than their own treatment

  Limited time


Due to the treating teams limited time they do not read IPCC suggestions properly and/or do not adjust the medication or treatment plan

  No problems at all



Meaning that no aspect prevents actions completely

  1. Number of interviews aspects were mentioned: - = none, (+) = one time, + = up to 1/3, ++ = up to 2/3, +++ = up to 3/3; aThreshold region
  2. PC Palliative care, IPCC Inpatient palliative care consultation, pts Patients, PCU Palliative care unit