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Table 3 Characteristics of medicines requested in lawsuits from January 2003 to December 2015 (n = 1.501)

From: Institutional strategies as a mechanism to rationalize the negative effects of the judicialization of access to medicine in Brazil


n (%)

ATC Classificationa

 Alimentary tract and metabolism

416 (27.7)

 Blood and blood forming organs

75 (5.0)

 Cardiovascular system

414 (27.6)


20 (1.3)

 Genital and urinary system and sex hormones

42 (2.8)

 Systemic hormonal preparations

15 (1.0)

 Anti-infective for systemic use

23 (1.5)

 Antineoplastic and immunomodulation agents

13 (0.9)

 Muscular-skeletal system

63 (4.2)

 Nervous system

314 (20.9)

 Anti-parasitic products, insecticides and repellents

11 (0.7)

 Respiratory system

42 (2.8)

 Sensory organs

47 (3.1)


5 (0.4)

Classification of medicines

 Within the SUS formulary

685 (45.7)

 Outside the SUS formulary with a therapeutic alternative

430 (28.6)

 Outside the SUS formulary without a therapeutic alternative

386 (25.7)

  1. aAnatomical Therapeutic Chemical