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Table 3 Rating reference guide for participation-related categories

From: Supporting the clinical use of the ICF in Japan – development of the Japanese version of the simple, intuitive descriptions for the ICF Generic-30 set, its operationalization through a rating reference guide, and interrater reliability study


0: No problem

1: Mild problem

2: Moderate problem

3:Severe problem

4: Complete problem


 Doing housework

May include:

- Doing housework by him/herself without any assisting device or support

May include:

- Doing housework by him/herself with the use of orthosis, canes or handrails

- Doing by him/herself with the supervision of others

May include:

- Doing housework partly with support or being partly covered by support

May include:

-Doing housework largely with support or being largely covered by support

May include:

- Doing housework completely with support

- Being impossible to do housework


 Assisting others

May include:

- Assisting others without restrictions or difficulties

May include:

- Doing without restrictions, but with some difficulties

May include:

- Doing partly with restrictions to what he/she can do to assist others

May include:

- Doing largely with restrictions to what he/she can do to assist others

May include:

- Being impossible to do anything to assist others


 Basic interpersonal interactions

May include:

- Interacting with people without apparent problems in showing respect, warmth and coordinating different opinions

May include:

- Interacting with people without apparent problems in showing respect, warmth and coordinating different opinions but with some language difficulties

- Interacting with people without apparent problems in showing respect, warmth and coordinating different opinions but the use of communicating devices

May include:

- Interacting with people, but causes apparent problems in showing respect, warmth and coordinating different opinions at times

May include:

- Interacting with people, but frequently causes apparent problems in showing respect, warmth and coordinating different opinions

May include:

- Being impossible to interact with people


 Intimate relationships

May include:

- Creating and maintaining intimate relationships without problems

May include:

- Having minimal problems which don’t fundamentally affect creating and maintaining the relationships

May include:

- Rating between 1 and 3

May include:

- Having serious problems that could apparently fundamentally affect creating and maintaining intimate relationships

May include:

-Being impossible to create and maintain intimate relationship


 Remunerative employment

May include:

- Working without support or restrictions in terms of content, work time, and/or work intensity

May include:

- Working without support or restrictions in content but with consideration in work time and/or work intensity.

- Working without support or restrictions in content but with the use of assistive devices and/or in an assistive environment

May include:

- Working partly with restrictions to work content

- Working partly under support by others

May include:

- Working largely with restrictions to work content

- Working largely under support by others

May include:

- Being impossible to work


 Recreation and leisure

May include:

-Doing leisure activities without restrictions or difficulties

May include:

- Doing leisure activities without restrictions, but with some difficulties

May include:

- Doing leisure activities partly with restrictions to the content

May include:

- Doing leisure activities largely under restriction to the content

May include:

- Being impossible to do leisure activities