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Table 1 Data Analysis Evaluation Plan for Intervention

From: Communication skills training for physicians improves health literacy and medical outcomes among patients with hypertension: a randomized controlled trial






First Session:

Focusing on primary care and communication needs

-Identification of problem and causes of low physicians-patient communication skills

-Elicits beliefs, values, about problem

-Where does the issue of health literacy come into play?

-Why should anyone care if low health literacy exists?

- Didactic presentations

- Open-ended questions

Second Session:

Developing focused questions to solve problems

Tired Sessions

Identifying the targets for intervention

-How does clinical support system information improve problem?

-How does support of physician impact patients communication skills?

- Discuss available therapies, services

- What frustrations do physicians experience with their patients?

-How much effort are physician willing to solve the low-health literacy problem?

-To identify potential communication gaps to resolve differences of opinion

-Offer of help, support of doctor

-Offer of improve providers-patient communication skill and clinical support system.

First Session:

Identifying the targets for intervention

-To identify potential communication gaps to resolve differences of opinion

-Offer of help, support of doctor

-Offer of improve providers-patient communication skill and clinical support system.

Educational Intervention

Providers is taught based on key communication strategies of HLP model to increase patients’ understanding

First Workshop (10 h)

Spoken Communication

- The teach-back method, tips for communicating clearly, medication reviews, language differences, and culture and other considerations

- How to talk with patients (e,g. does not use medical jargon and talk too fast)

- How to used audio, visual aids/video materials to improve their communication with patients (e.g., model of body part, instructional health videos, food models for portion sizes)

- How to ask questions by using simple and friendly words

-Teach-back video,

-Follow-up Instruction Form,


-Brown-bag medication

- Review poster

Written Communication

-Designing easy-to-read tools,

-Using health-education signs effectively

- Creating a welcoming atmosphere with written materials knows

-How to simplify u80and identify materials to easier read?

-Consultant assesses educational materials and client forms for readability

-Release of medical


-Lab-results letter

-Helpful posters

-Educational materials

Second Workshop (10 h)

Collaboration skill

To improve self- care behavior and medication adherence

- How to encourage their patients get involved with their care and ask questions

- Develop action plans to change patient’s behavior and discuss health care priorities with them

-How to teach their patients about taking medications correctly (pill chart and box), offers patients assistance setting up a system, and reviews medications with patients (by health physician)

-How to teach their patients about self-management skills (e.g., using a inhaler or glucometer, exercise activity, and dietary advice)

-Contacts with patients to understand or to follow up on plans made during the visit.• Getting patient feedback

-Teach-back video


- Ask Me poster

- Med card

- Pill chart

- Didactic presentations

Primary care support

To develop physician counseling skills and patients self-efficacy

-Assist patients in overcoming barriers to pharmacologic treatment and to

understand their insurance forms and medical bills

- Assesses patient’s non-medical barriers to provide appropriate referrals

- Support the patient in the use of community-based programs (e.g., weight loss, health literacy, and stop smoking)

-Medical progress notes

-Role play exercises

-Didactic presentations

Post test (1–6 months follow up)

To evaluate effect of educational intervention

- To assess communication skills between patient and physicians, patients’ self- efficacy and medication adherence, hypertension outcomes, and patient HL

-aHLAQs, CSQ, Adult Primary Care, self-efficacy scales and measurement diastolic, systolic

  1. aChew’s Screening Questions (CSQ): Health Literacy Assessment Questions (HLAQs)