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Table 3 Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) 14 domain version, domains description, and 84 theoretical constructs. Cane et al. [18] definition of the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) 14 domains a list of the theoretical constructs comprising each domain

From: Establishing content validity for a conceptualized instrument to measure barriers to eating a healthful diet in adults: a consensus approach

Theoretical Domain

Cane et al., 2012 [18] Domain Description

Theoretical Construct

1. Knowledge1.1.

An awareness of the existence of something

1. Knowledge (including knowledge of condition /scientific rationale)

2. Procedural knowledge

3. Knowledge of task environment

2. Skills1.

An ability or proficiency acquired through practice

4. Skills

5. Skills development

6. Competence

7. Ability

8. Interpersonal skills

9. Practice

10. Skill assessment

3. Social/professional role and identity1.

A coherent set of behaviors and displayed personal qualities of an individual in a social or work setting

11. Professional identity

12. Professional role

13. Social identity

14. Identity

15. Professional boundaries

16. Professional confidence

17. Group identity

18. Leadership

19. Organizational commitment

4. Beliefs about capabilities1.

Acceptance of the truth, reality, or validity about an ability, talent

20. Self-confidence

21. Perceived competence

22. Self-efficacy

23. Perceived behavioral control

24. Beliefs

25. Self-esteem

26. Empowerment

27. Professional confidence

5. Optimism1.1.1.

The confidence that things will happen for the best

28. Optimism

29. Pessimism

30. Unrealistic optimism

31. Identity

6. Beliefs about consequences1.1.1.1.

Acceptance of the truth, reality, or validity about outcomes of a behavior in a given situation

32. Beliefs

33. Outcome expectancies

34. Characteristics of outcome expectancies

35. Anticipated regret

36. Consequents

7. Reinforcement1.

Increasing the probability of a response by arranging a dependent relationship, or contingency

37. Rewards (proximal/distal, valued/not valued, probable/improbable)

38. Incentives

39. Punishment

40. Consequents

41. Reinforcement

42. Contingencies

43. Sanctions

8. Intentions1.1.

A conscious decision to perform a behavior or a resolve to act in a certain way

44. Stability of intentions

45. Stages of change model

46. Trans theoretical model and stages of change

9. Goals1.

Mental representation of outcomes or end states

47. Goals (distal/proximal)

48. Goal priority

49. Goal/target setting

50. Goals (autonomous/controlled)

51. Action planning

52. Implementation intention

10. Memory, attention and decision processes1.1.1.1.

The ability to retain information, focus selectively on aspects of the environment, and choose between two or more alternatives

53. Memory

54. Attention

55. Attention control

56. Decision making

57. Cognitive overload/tiredness

11. Environmental context and resources1.

Any circumstance of a person’s situation or environment that discourages or encourages the development of skills and abilities, independence, social competence

58. Environmental stressors

59. Resources/material resources

60. Organizational culture /climate

61. Salient events/critical incidents

62. Person x environment interaction

63. Barriers and facilitators

12. Social influences1.

Those interpersonal processes that can cause an individual to change their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors

64. Social pressure

65. Social norms

66. Group conformity

67. Social comparisons

68. Group norms

69. Social support

70. Power

71. Intergroup conflict

72. Alienation

73. Group identity

74. Modelling

13. Emotion1.

A complex reaction pattern, involving experiential, behavioral, and physiological elements, by which the individual attempts to deal with a personally significant matter or event

75. Fear

76. Anxiety

77. Affect

78. Stress

79. Depression

80. Positive/negative affect

81. Burn-out

14. Behavioral regulation1.1.

Anything aimed at managing or changing objectively observed or measured actions

82. Self-monitoring

83. Breaking habit

84. Action planning