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Table 2 Conventional Testing Regime: Public Sexual Health Clinic Setting (Funded by State Government)

From: Economic evaluation of alternative testing regimes and settings to detect undiagnosed HIV in Australia


True HIV Positive (PHIV )

True HIV Negative (1 − PHIV)


HIV Positive

(EIA+ & WB+)

False HIV Negative


False HIV Positive

(EIA+ & WB-)

True HIV Negative


Probability of result

(PHIV ∗ SenEIA ∗ SenWB )

(PHIV ∗ (1 − SenEIA))

((1 − PHIV) ∗ (1 − SpecEIA) ∗ SpecWB)

(1 − PHIV) ∗ SpecEIA


 Visit 1: Initial Screening

  Consult time

30 Min

30 Min

30 Min

30 Min

  Staff Wage (Rate/Hour):






Clinical Nurse

Clinical Nurse

Clinical Nurse

Clinical Nurse

 Pathology costs






  WB confirmatory





 Visit 2: Test Results

  Consult time

60 Min

30 Min

30 Min

30 Min

  Staff Wage (Rate/Hour):






Staff specialist

(Level 18)

Clinical Nurse

Clinical Nurse

Clinical Nurse

Total Cost of Each Outcome





Average cost per person tested

=(PHIV ∗ SenEIA ∗ SenWB) ∗ AC per True HIV PositiveEIA + , WB+ + (PHIV ∗ (1 − SenEIA)) ∗ AC per False HIV NegativeEIA− + ((1 − PHIV) ∗ SpecEIA) ∗ AC per True HIV NegativeEIA− + ((1 − PHIV) ∗ (1 − SpecEIA) ∗ SpecWB)) ∗ AC per False HIV PositiveEIA + , WB−

Average number of tests for a positive diagnosis

\( =\frac{1}{P_{HIV}\ast Se{n}_{EIA}\ast Se{n}_{WB}} \)

  1. Note: AC Average Cost, EIA fourth generation enzyme immunoassay test, P Probability, Sen Sensitivity, Spec Specificity, WB Western Blot Test, + reactive test result, − nonreactive test result