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Table 1 CFIR domains aligned with Nav-CARE, and CFIR constructs

From: How do inner and outer settings affect implementation of a community-based innovation for older adults with a serious illness: a qualitative study

1. Intervention Characteristics, NavCARE Program

o Intervention source

o Evidence strength and quality

o Relative advantage

o Adaptability

o Trialability

o Complexity

o Design quality and packaging

o Cost

2. Outer Setting, Community and health system where Nav-CARE was implemented

o Patient needs and resources

o Cosmopolitanism

o Peer pressure

o External policy and incentives

3. Inner Setting, Hospice organization and administrators trialing Nav-CARE

o Structural characteristics

o Networks and communication

o Culture

o Implementation climate

o Readiness for implementation

4. Characteristics of Individuals, Nav-CARE volunteers, volunteer coordinator, social worker at hospice

o Knowledge and beliefs about the intervention

o Self-efficacy

o Individual stage of change

o Individual identification with organization

o Other personal attributes

5. Process, Aspects of delivering Nav-CARE

o Planning

o Engaging

o Executing

o Reflecting and Evaluation