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Table 2 Summary of themes and sub-themes from the interview data relating to medicine information needs

From: What information do patients want about their medicines? An exploration of the perspectives of general medicine inpatients

Themes and definition


1. Autonomy

Patients desire information to facilitate informed decision-making, understanding of their own care and that promote active participation in their health.

1.1Support people

Enable (and can prevent) autonomy.

1.2 Written information

Enables patients to understand their medicines and this promotes autonomy.

2. Fostering relationships

Patients’ want to establish relationships with their healthcare providers and rapport is an enabler to sharing medicines information.



Patients felt they needed to access more information. This includes via healthcare providers, their community, cultural support and the internet.

3.1 Timeliness

Information needs to be given at the right time.

4. Communication

Providers need to have effective communication skills, including being able to clarify information if it is not understood, avoiding jargon, and to ensure consistent, clear messages.

4.1 Providers

Healthcare providers have a key role to play to provide information in a consistent and clear way.

4.2 Clarification

Information needs to be repeated or followed up.


Patients can get distracted by pieces of information that they are given

5. Minimal information needs

Patients are satisfied with receiving minimal information and have low expectations of the health system.