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Table 2 Dimensions, sub-dimensions and indicators reported by the 6 reviews

From: Assessing hospital performance indicators. What dimensions? Evidence from an umbrella review





Gandjour A, 2002 [8]

Process quality/efficiency


Acute miocardial infarction

Reperfusion using either thrombolytics during the first 12 h of pain onset or primary PTCA

Use of aspirin during hospitalization

Use of lidocaine during hospitalization

Use of a β-blocker (acebutolol, metoprolol, propranolol, timolol) during hospitalization

Use of an ACE inhibitor during hospitalization

Use of statin during hospitalization for total cholesterol levels ≥6 mmol/L


Acute stroke

Chest x-ray on admission

Brain imaging

Thrombolytic therapy within 0 to 3 h of onset

Aspirin or clopidogrel or dipyridamole or ticlopidine for ischemic stroke

Anticoagulants, calcium antagonists, change in blood pressure medication, corticosteroids, gangliosides, glycerol, hemodilution, heparinoids, low–molecular-weight heparins, piracetam, standard unfractionated heparin


Coronary artery bypass graft

Appropriateness of indication


Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty

Appropriateness of indication


Carotid endarterectomy

Appropriateness of indication


Acute lower back pain

Bed rest

Exercise therapy

Immediate x-ray

Other diagnostic procedures within the first 4 weeks of symptoms

Referral to another provider without specific request


Major depressive disorders (acute episode)

Use of DSM-IV or ICD-10 criteria for diagnosis

Use of newer or older antidepressants or problem-solving treatment or interpersonal psychotherapy or nondirective counseling or cognitive behavior therapy (conducted at own office or by referral)

Duration of drug prescription (minimum of 24 weeks)


Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Test HbA1c once every 6 months

Biennial testing of fasting serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol

Annual urine test for (micro-) albuminuria

Annual testing of blood pressure

Annual foot examination including testing for pain, touch, cold, vibration, ankle reflexes, and pressure

Annual foot examination including foot structure and biomechanics, vascular status, and skin integrity

Biennial eye examination by an ophthalmologist or optometrist

Patient education

Screening programs

Biennial hemoccult screening for colorectal cancer at age ≥ 50 years

Sigmoidoscopy for colorectal cancer every 10 years at age ≥ 50 years

Measurement of the prostate-specific antigen (prostate cancer)

Papanicolaou smear at least every 5 years for women who are sexually active and between 30 to 60 years old (cervical cancer)

Structural quality/efficiency


Implementation of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines


(unstable angina)

Implementation of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines

(physicians’ offices)

(cancer pain)

Computer alert system to prevent injury from adverse drug events (hospitals)

Antibiotic improvement intervention

Structured antibiotic order forms

Academic detailing

Veillard J, 2005 [4]

Clinical effectiveness and safety

Appropriateness of care

Cesarean section delivery

Conformity of processes of care

Prophylactic antibiotic use for tracers: results of audit of appropriateness

Outcomes of care and safety processes

Mortality for selected tracer conditions and procedures

Readmission for selected tracer conditions and procedures

Admission after day surgery for selected tracer procedures

Return to higher level of care (e.g. from acute to intensive care) for selected tracer conditions and procedures within 48 h

Sentinel event


Staff safety

Percutaneous injuries

Staff excessive weekly working time

Patient centredness

Client orientation, respect for patients

Average score on overall perception/satisfaction items in patient surveys

Average score on interpersonal aspect items in patient surveys

Last minute cancelled surgery

Average score on information and empowerment items in patient surveys

Average score on continuity of care items in patient surveys

Responsive governance

System integration and continuity

Average score on perceived continuity items in patient surveys

Public health orientation

Breastfeeding at discharge

Staff orientation

Perspective and recognition of individual needs

Training expenditures

Health promotion and safety

Expenditures on health promotion activities

Behavioural responses

Absenteeism: short- term absenteeism

Absenteeism: long- term absenteeism


Appropriateness of services

Day surgery, for selected tracer procedures


Length of stay for selected tracers

Use of capacity

Inventory in stock, for pharmaceuticals

Intensity of surgical theatre use

Groene I, 2008 [3]

Clinical Effectiveness

Staff orientation

Responsive governance


Patient Centeredness



Copnell B, 2009 [6]








Beyan OD, 2012 [1]








Care environment and amenities




Competence or capability




Improving health or clinical focus


Expenditure or cost








Patient centeredness or patient focus or responsiveness









Simou E, 2014 [9]


Inpatient mortality from selected causes (AMI, stroke, pneumonia, etc.)

Readmission rate for selected causes

Unscheduled readmission to ICU

Perioperative mortality

Perinatal mortality due to complications

Cancer patients successfully surviving surgery/chemotherapy/transplant


In-hospital avoidable VTE

Hospital-acquired infections (VAP, urinary catheter associated UTI, central line associated blood stream, surgical site, infections in neonates)

Medical errors per sector (post- surgery, improper treatment, iatrogenic)

Obstetric trauma

Staff injury

Staff needle puncture incidents

Patient centeredness

Patient feedback management

Pain control

Satisfaction from personnel

Explanation of procedures, treatment and discharge information

Satisfaction from hospital environment (cleanliness, quietness, privacy)

Staff orientation

Staff burnout

Staff absenteeism

Staff working overtime

Satisfaction from working environment

Clearly defined responsibilities in staff

Continuous education for health professionals


Length of stay

ICU length of stay

Hospital bed coverage

Admission/discharge rate

Cost of inpatient services per patient day

Exams ordered at the ER, per patient

Laparoscopic/open surgery rate

Single-day stay for selected surgeries

Caesarian section rate

Surgery postponed or cancelled


Patients visiting the ER department

Admissions for acute conditions

Usage of equipment/facilities

Usage of laboratory exams

Surgical Theater use


Time needed for initial clinical examination at the ER after arrival

Time needed for admission after arrival at the ER

Time needed for selective surgical treatment

Patients leaving without being examined

Resources and capacity

Permanent personnel (per discipline)

Detached personnel (per discipline)

Temporary personnel (per discipline)

Personnel educational level (per discipline)

Intra-sector nurses to physicians ratio

Computers for the personnel

Computers with Internet access

Computers with modern applications

Use of electronic medical records

Hospitals having a webpage

Telephone center

Surgical theaters

Beds per sector

Beds per room

Short-term stay beds

Space for patient baggage

Toilet in patients’ rooms

Intra-communication facilities in patients’ rooms

Oxygen facilities in patients’ rooms

Air-conditioning facilities in patients’ rooms

Telephone facilities in wards

Imaging facilities (radiography, ultrasound, CT, MRI, etc.)

ICU and HCU unit(s)

Hemodialysis facilities

Management of hospital waste

  1. aThe blank sections of the columns “subdimension” and “indicators” are due to a lack of those information in the corresponding review