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Table 2 Description of key model variables

From: An economic evaluation of a mobile text messaging intervention to improve mental health care in resource-poor communities in China: a cost-effectiveness study


Operational definition

Type of variable

Instrument used

Source of the data

Demographic and epidemiologic variables

 Population data

The initial number of people with a diagnosis of schizophrenia in each township


Survey, records

Published literature, medical records, the 686 Program registry

 Mortality rate

Incidence of death due to any reason


Survey, records

Parent study, Medical record

 Morbidity rate

Incidence of developing relapse


Survey, records

Parent study, Medical record

 Prevalence of Schizophrenia

National schizophrenia prevalence


Survey, records

Published literature, China Health Statistical Yearbook

Outcome variables

 Medication adherence

The proportion of antipsychotic dosages taken over the past 30 days


Unannounced pills count

Parent study, the 686 Program medication prescribing system


Clinically significant exacerbation of psychotic symptoms


Interview (self-report and/or caregiver report)

Parent study


Re-hospitalization due to schizophrenia


interRAI MH

Parent study, Medial record, field work


Level of difficulty in accomplishing tasks and activities over the past 30 days



Parent study


Severity of psychotic symptoms



Parent study

Program cost variables

 Intervention cost

• Cost of training in preparation for LEAN

• Cost of identifying individuals with schizophrenia

• Cost of assessing medication adherence

• Cost of message development and management

• Cost of phones

• Cost of texting to patients and lay-health supporters


Cost estimating tool

Fieldwork to be conducted as part of the study, parent study

 Human resource cost

Cost of family members, lay health supporters, and health professionals (village doctors, mental health administrators, and psychiatrists)


Cost estimating tool

Fieldwork to be conducted as part of the study

 Medication cost

Antipsychotics cost incurred due to increased adherence


Cost estimating tool

Fieldwork to be conducted as part of the study

Indirect non-medical costs:

• Efficiency at work

Absenteeism at work

• Number of days with reduced efficiency due to feeling ill

• Number of days absent from work



Fieldwork to be conducted as part of the study

  1. Parent study is the LEAN intervention
  2. interRAI MH inter Resident Assessment Instrument-Mental Health, WHODAS World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule, CGI-Sch Clinical Global Impression in Schizophrenia, TiC-P Trimbos/iMTA questionnaire for Costs associated with Psychiatric Illness