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Table 5 Key Theme: Experiences related to Socioeconomic problems(Low awareness and indirect non-medical cost related to TB Treatment)

From: Lived experiences of tuberculosis patients and their implications for early tuberculosis case identification and management in pastoralist community setting: a qualitative study in Borena zone, Oromia region of Ethiopia

Sub Themes

Quotes from Participants

Awareness severity of the disease

In our community, we consider cough as a simple self limiting problem. If we continue to cough for longer time, we use our traditional remedies such as honey with tea and others that we can prepare at home. Sometimes we buy drugs and use them to get relief … (P-2)

Awareness severity of the disease

TB patients should keep any material she/he used away from other people as the disease can transmit to others until the person gets cured from the disease … … to protect transmission of the disease, I live alone in a separate room from the family. I prefer to live in a rent house in town … (P-3 and P-19)

Indirect cost

To get these drugs I start walking as 6:00 AM and reached here, at hospital after over two hours walk. I am sick and difficult for me to walk this long every day. With the capacity I have, I have to till/plough my land in the morning, Now I can not do that as I have to walk to hospital every day and my family is going to face more problem because of my disease. .. … (P-20)

  1. NB. (P-2) and (P-3 P-19 and P-20) are study participants’ codes given in Table 1