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Table 1 Outcome variables and predictors used in the study

From: Which factors are related to Finnish home care workers’ job satisfaction, stress, psychological distress and perceived quality of care? - a mixed method study




Mean (SD)

Cronbach’s α


Outcome variables

 Job satisfaction

Generally speaking, I am very satisfied with my job

1 ‘fully disagree’ - 5 ‘fully agree’

3.69 (1.05)




Do you currently feel stressed? Stress means a situation when a person feels tense, restless, nervous, or anxious, or is unable to sleep at night because his or her mind is troubled all the time.

1 ‘not at all’ - 5 ‘very much’

2.70 (1.10)



 Psychological distress

Have you recently lost a lot of sleep over worry?; Have you recently been feeling unhappy and depressed?; Have you recently felt constantly under strain?; Have you recently felt you couldn’t overcome your difficulties?

1 ‘not at all’ - 4 ‘much more than usually’

2.14 (.74)



Quality of care

How would you assess your co-workers’ …


1) professional competence, 2) way of treating clients, 3) friendliness, 4) ability to answer clients’ requests for assistance, 5) ability to consider clients’ self-determination, 6) knowledge of issues related to the client and 7) ability to consider the client’s next of kin.

1 ‘bad’ - 5 ‘excellent’

3.99 (.49)




Work stressors


How often, during the past 6 months, have you felt disturbed, worried or strained due to …


  Working alone

Lack of consultation possibilities and collegial help?

1 ‘never’ - 5 ‘very often’

3.02 (1.08)




Constant interruptions and that work cannot be performed uninterrupted?

1 ‘never’ - 5 ‘very often’

3.02 (1.14)



  Time pressure

I do not have enough time for patients; I do not have enough time to perform work properly; I only have time for the necessary tasks

1 ‘never’ - 5 ‘very often’

3.56 (.95)



Organizational justice

  Relational justice

My supervisor treats his/her employees with kindness and consideration; My supervisor treats his/her employees respectfully; My supervisor considers his/her employees’ needs and listens to them.

1 ‘fully disagree’ - 5 ‘fully agree’

4.19 (.92)



Job control

  Skill discretion

My work requires that I learn new skills

1 ‘fully disagree’ - 5 ‘fully agree’

4.36 (.75)


[10, 11]


At my work, I can make a lot of independent decisions

1 ‘fully disagree’ - 5 ‘fully agree’

3.75 (.83)


[10, 11]

  Social support

When needed, I receive support from my 1. co-workers, 2. supervisors.

1 ‘never’ - 5 ‘always’

3.81 (.83)


[10, 11]


  Participative safety

We have a “we are in it together” attitude; We keep each other informed about work related issues; We feel understood and accepted by each other; There are real attempts to share information throughout the practice

1 ‘fully disagree’ - 5 ‘fully agree’

3.68 (.73)



  Shared goals

Are you in agreement with the objectives set at you unit?; To what extent do you think your team’s objectives are clearly understood by other members of the team?; To what extent do you think your team’s objectives can actually be achieved?; How worthwhile do you think these objectives are to your team?

1 ‘very little’ - 5 ‘very much’

3.71 (.57)



  Idea implementation

New initiatives and ideas are taken up and assessed; At our work community, we can independently decide upon the implementation of a new development idea; At my work community, new thoughts and ideas are taken into action efficiently; Initiatives and ideas often lead to new practices, services and products in our organization

1 ‘fully disagree’ - 5 ‘fully agree’

2.91 (.78)



  Support for innovation

Search for new ways of looking at problems; Time taken to develop ideas; Cooperation in developing and applying ideas

1 ‘fully disagree’ - 5 ‘fully agree’

3.13 (.72)

