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Table 5 Collective Action: supporting data

From: Facilitators and “deal breakers”: a mixed methods study investigating implementation of the Goal setting and action planning (G-AP) framework in community rehabilitation teams

Quotes 13–23

13. “But it was quite helpful to do that [use Talking Mats at the goal negotiation/ goal setting stage], yeah. I think that [Talking Mats] fits in quite well with this [the G-AP framework].”

14 “Some of the other [goal setting] systems where it’s too rigid; things must be done by this point, all of you must do this together, the patient must be involved in that part or not and things, there was more flexibility in G-AP than that.” (Physiotherapist; Team C)

15. “In principle, I think there’s always a way you could use G-AP with pretty much anybody, [be] cause it’s a framework as opposed to defining somebody.” (Support worker; Team A)

16. “If support workers have continuity with the same client, it gives them experience and confidence [delivering G-AP in practice].” (Occupational Therapist; Team B)

17. “The more you use it [G-AP] ... it just kind of became a bit more second nature as you saw the whole stages, you kind of saw it unfolding, so I think that helped just using it more, embracing it.” (Physiotherapist; Team A)

18. “I think it’s been quite sporadic [G-AP implementation] because we’re just using it for stroke patients and not any other neurological groups. So, there was a bit of kind of two systems going at the same time. If we’re doing the same thing with every single patient, then it probably would have been easier for that to have been routine.” (Physiotherapist; Team 3)

19. “There was certainly a bit of a gap between the training and the first person I saw. Whereas if you’d been bang, straight in there, you know, it might have been more likely to sort of gather momentum.” (Psychologist; Team C)

20. “It’s done [G-AP implementation] in isolation and individual disciplines. It’s not done as a team, because people are seen at different times.” (Doctor; Team C)

21. “[To use Malcomess Care Aims] you’re going to have to duplicate over your goals from what you’ve set during the G-AP. We would re-write them, so that’s duplication.” (Speech and Language Therapist; Team C)

22. “I suppose the whole structure and organisation of the team [would have to change to support G-AP implementation]. And agreement within, you know, how that works within our service.” (Nurse, Team C)

23. “If he’s not behind it [the rehabilitation consultant] then people start to lose motivation. He definitely needs to be key to the process.” (Physiotherapist, Team C)