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Table 5 Recommendations for practice and resources

From: Transnationalism and care of migrant families during pregnancy, postpartum and early-childhood: an integrative review

For supporting ‘Ways of belonging’

Increase the diversity of the healthcare workforce

Offer tailored, community-based programs and services for migrants

Partner with communities and organizations to develop interventions and programs

Provide cultural competence training to all health and social care personnel

Use linguistically and culturally-adapted materials

Use trained linguistic, cultural brokers

Reflect on your own culture, beliefs and attitudes about ‘others’

Recognize and avoid stereotypes

Attend to power differentials and engage in two-way dialogue

Humbly acknowledge that you are a learner and remain open to different ways of knowing and doing

Communicate in a value free, respectful tone

Tailor care to the context

Actively counter racism and discrimination

For supporting ‘Ways of being’

Inquire about family members, including children back home

Acknowledge transnational stressors (e.g., economic commitments, family responsibilities, stressful relationships)

Ask about the use of health and social services abroad

Ask about other health information, support, advice and medicines coming from back home

Resources: cultural competency and cultural safety

The Office of Minority Health:

The National Center for Cultural Competence:

Health Information Translations, Quality health education resources for diverse populations:


Diversity Rx:

HealthReach, Health information in Many Languages: